Thursday, November 11, 2010

Lydia Maria Child

•Born- February 11, 1802 (Medford, Massachusetts)
•Died- October 22, 1880 (Wayland, Massachusetts)
•Attended public school and then seminary for a year
•Author of many books and magazines
•Owned a private school from 1825-1828 in Watertown Massachusetts
●Married David Lee Child in 1828
●I was influenced to be an abolitionist by William Lloyd Garrison
●I was made the executive committee of the American Anti-Slavery Society, I later became editor of the National Anti-Slavery Standard in 1840

•I was mainly an abolitionist fighting to end slavery
●I am a journalist who wrote many articles to help abolish slavery
●I fought for women’s right as well Indians rights
●Many of my articles were banned because of my strong opinions against the government

●I want all people to be considered equal regardless of race, sex, or skin color which is seen in my article
●While serving as a member of the Anti-Slavery Society executive board I wrote many novels and journals to abolish slavery
●I believe that violence was not necessary in abolishing slavery
●Due to my work with the Indians rights movement the US Board of Indian Commissioners was formed
●Also due to my work with the Indian rights movement the subsequent Peace Policy was created

Relationships to others:
●I worked closely with Lucretia Mott on the Anti-slavery Society executive board to help abolish slavery
●I am a lifelong friend with Margaret Fuller
●Education-I feel that all people should be educated regardless of their skin color, gender, or race
●Utopian Communities- I feel that America should be turned into a utopia because we are all human, and all people are created equal


1 comment:

  1. I, as William Lloyd Garrison would agree with your decisions. Our attepmts towards the idea of abolitionism are identical because of the fact that we both published articles and journals. We also supported the idea of women's rights and participated in the Anti-Slavery Society.
