Thursday, November 11, 2010

Joseph Smith

Joseph Smith

· I was born in Sharon, Vermont on December 23, 1805.

· I did not attend school because my family was too poor; however I was taught to read, write, and do basic arithmetic. I also attended church classes.

· I was the founder of the Latter Day Saint movement which took place during the Second Great Awakening.

· I was the founding prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ, more commonly known as the Mormon Church.


· As a young boy I was visited by God and Jesus Christ who told me not to told join any of the churches because they were teaching incorrect doctrines.


· I used my faith in God to restore the Christian church, The Church of Jesus Christ, which I later called The Church of the Latter Day Saints to distinguish it from other Christian churches.

Relationship to Others

· I support transcendentalism which is why i reformed The Church of Jesus Christ because I did not believe the other church’s teachings were correct.

· Friends- Brigham Young.



  1. I, Johann Georg Rapp, would not feel comfortable sitting next to you at the dinner party because we both tried to revive the Christian church. Therefore, we believe that the church needed change; however, we have different views. Also, I would not feel comfortable sitting next to you at the dinner table because you said that you do not believe in other church's teachings, and I myself was attempting to make communities based on reviving the Christian community.

  2. I, Brigham Young, would most definately feel comfortable sitting next to you at the dinner party, for you are one of the most revered prophets of the Mormons. I was inspired to join the The Church of the Latter Day Saints after reading the Book of Mormon, which you translated after receiving its contents from an angel. I would particularly enjoy speaking with you about how sad it is that after the deaths of the apostles of Jesus Christ, Christian religions diverted from the true teachings of Christ and i would also praise you for bringing back the true teachings of Jesus.

  3. I, Lyman Breecher, would not feel comfotable sitting next to you at the dinner party. We share different religious beliefs and that might cause us from having a productive conversation. You might believe you shouldn't join a church because of their teachings but I do not believe in that.
